Monthly Archives: March 2015

It is rum o’clock – Assignment 1 done

What a challenge but life isn’t meant to be easy.  I have really learnt a lot so far and am quite chuffed with the outcome, bring on the next challenge.

Fingers crossed it is ok.  Here goes, time to attach the details (holding breath)

Good luck to everyone.

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Bob the Builder

This is fantastic and has really helped me understand the tool belt theory, thank you LAURENN7


Tool belt theory.

Tool belt: Band worn around the waist, fitted with pockets and accessories for holding tools and instruments needed close at hand (Merriam-Webster, 2015)
Theory:The general principles or ideas that relate to a particular subject (Merriam-Webster, 2015).

Shrug Face

Okay then.

Seriously though, this Tool belt Theory – pretty awesome. Why’s it pretty awesome? Because it makes sense.

Founded by a guy called Ira David Socol, the theory likens a traditional tradesman’s tool belt to experiences within the classroom, essentially meaning that each teacher and student needs individual ‘tool belts’ to draw from in order to more successfully function in society.

Bob_the_builderSo basically, we’re all Bob the Builder.

The beauty about this tool belt theory though, is that it truly highlights something that pretty much underpins my own philosophy of teaching, and that is the aim to help students learn how to become functioning members of society. Why do…

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This tickled my fancy

I have been madly trying to do Assignment 1 and came across this cartoon which tickled my fancy.  I hope it raises a smile.


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It’s Blooming Awesome

I found a blog today created by a Science teacher Mr Neil Atkin.  He has some great information and ideas regarding teaching techniques which I found quite interesting.  It included an inverted pyramid of bloom ICT tools.  Have a look and see what you think.

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Study Ladder Resource

Thank you Emma via Brittany’s Blog for the resouce link Study Ladder.  I have now joined and have had a brief chance to look at what is available.  This site covers all subjects as well as NAPLAN.  I look forward to using it in a classroom environment.

Study Ladder

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Different ways to use an interactive whiteboard!

Web Blog of Melissa Sherman

I came across a fellow blogger, Bridget’s blog post which got me thinking about my professional experience prac. She posted about how on her professional experience she had limited use of the interactive whiteboard apart from the obvious using it as a projector. On my professional experience, I mainly used the interactive whiteboard for also a projector especially with most student being visual learners, therefore it was primarily used for scaffolding the learning or visual modeling for the students . Bridget has shared this website, 56 ways to use an interactive whiteboard, which shares a variety of useful ways that the interactive whiteboard can be integrated within the classroom to enhance students learning.

This is a great resource for teachers to look at, as after myself discovering the website and reading the different ways an interactive whiteboard can be used has really broadened my ideas for useful ways to enrich learning using across the curriculum learning areas.   

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Leaps of Learning

Thank you Amanda for sharing the resouce Leaps of Learning on your blog “Made by Australian teachers…..for Australian Teachers”.  I have had a look and it is great and along the same lines as Teachers Pay Teachers which is described as “A marketplace where Educators buy, sell and share original teaching resouces”.  As with both sites they also offer freebies which is a bit exciting.  Amanda suggested looking at Emmas blog which also has some great ideas, so that is what I am going to do, right now.  🙂

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The Password is not “Open Sesame”

This morning I was reading Amanda Conways blog about passwords and was so please to hear it is not only me feeling this way about passwords.  I keep my passwords oldschool but writing them down in the front of a book on my desk to help me remember them.  I was unaware that there were password management systems (other than my state of the art option) and will now investigate the links that Amanda has put up for us.  This could be the dawn of a new beginning for that presky password !

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What I found from reading the Jay-Z article

This article I believe has raised some interesting points and provided links to other sites which the article has noted as providing high-quality next generation lessons. These sites include:

Khan Academy (which I have heard of but not actually used yet) – This is their mission statement :

“Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We’ve also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content”.

I have had a play around with it and I find it very good. It allows for the student to choose their own avitar and choose the subject they want to work on.  I started with early math, the first lesson initally asks 5 questions to determine your level of ability.  On the same screen it also offers a short video to help you with your understanding.

I will definitely be using this program not only for myself but for my own children.

Another site mentioned was StudySync which is “a web-delivered product designed to increase reading, writing, and critical thinking with award-winning lessons aligned to the Common Core Standards for grades 4 – 12”.  This site offers a free 60 day trial and looks very useful, I didn’t join yet as I don’t want to start my 60 days and waste them when I not ready to start using it today.  The Common Core Standards from what I can tell are from an American Curriculum but the free trial does ask if you are an International visitor which may allow for you to access an Australian option.

The other site noted was“>LearnZillion which is a program which “offers a free and growing set of Math and English Language resources for grades 2-12 that have been developed by expert teachers directly from the Common Core State Standards”.  It is also offers professional development for teachers but it is not free and from what I can tell you pay to upgrade to get more resources.  This site does sound like it offers a great product but I think I will keep looking for free options.

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