Are my expectations of myself unrealistic

After reading Amandas blog ‘High Expectations! Killing me slowly’ I reflected on my own expectations and yes I think I am also putting a lot of pressure on myself to achieve.  I don’t think that wanting to do your absolute best is a bad thing and wanting a great result from an assignment is unreasonable but what is unreasonable is how sick it makes me feel wanting a good result. When our results come in I feel physically sick clicking on the link and waiting to see the outcome, unfortunately I think it comes with the territory.

I’ve come to realise that I can’t take the feedback from the marker personally (but I do and I have to talk myself of the imaginary ledge I have climbed onto) and sadley I have had some harsh comments here and there.  They don’t know me, they don’t know how hard I work on absolutley every word I type and how much time I take away from my family to sweat over every detail in the hopes that I get it right and they think so too, it is their job.  I may not agree with some of the feedback I receive but it is what it is and I will never stop trying to be the best I can be.  I know how passionate I am to be a teacher and this is what drives me.  Keep your chins held high, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train.

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2 thoughts on “Are my expectations of myself unrealistic

  1. I know that ledge so well!! I think the time it takes from the moment you hit the button to get your results to the time it takes it show on the screen can be a lifetime. It is very hard to read some of the negative comments but as you mentioned it is there job,it doesn’t make it easier but a necessary evil:(.
    The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter every day(still not a train,thank goodness lol), I keep on reminding myself that with every comment good or bad it is making me a better teacher.


  2. Pingback: Choices……. | kaylenebonaccorso

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